BIS: McNaughton, Cedavoch Windstorm
RBIS: Kirkwood-Emery, Ch. Helydon Laird Loki
BPIS: Rodger, Glenariff Qui Vive At Thundergay
BVIS: Rodger, Ch Thundergay Bebop A Lula
Std Smooth
BOB McNaughton, Cedavoch Windstorm
RBOB Rodger, Ch. Thundergay Bebop A Lula
BP Peel, Clentry Pepe Le Pew
Std Long
BOB McNaughton, Cedavoch Sweetest Taboo
RBOB McNaughton, Cedavoch The Alchemist
BP Paskins, Bronia Final Kiss at Kindeace
Std Wire
BOB Thom, Daxies Burrow Buster
BP Thom, Daxies Burrow Buster
Mini Smooth
BOB Peel, Stargang Eye of the Tiger
RBOB Thomson, Stargang Wagtail for Zilveraat
BP Kay, Clentry Sheer Khan at Lochlip
Mini Long
BOB Paskins, Dinkidax Sandrayana at Kindeace
RBOB Mains, Scotiablue Lily Bell
BP Mains, Scotiablue Matilda
Mini Wire
BOB Kirkwood-Emery, Ch. Helydon Laird Loki
RBOB Russell, Dancing in the Dark
BP Russell, Dancing in the Dark
Our budding Junior Handlers Logan Hutchison 8 and Archie Hutchison 6
Photos of our principal winners and some fun pictures taken throughout the day